Click on (or tap) the poker chips to turn them over.

Drag the poker chips to mix them up.

The Magician asks the Spectator to mix the poker chips and place them on table in two rows, with three poker chips in each row:
 5   2   9 
 1   8  10

The Magician must remember the position of the yellow chips.
(In the example above, top row: chips in positions 1st and 3rd and bottom row: chips in position 2nd and 3rd.)

The Magician turns their back and instructs the Spectator to turn over any 3 chips.
(In this example we will assume top row: chips in positions 1st and 3rd and bottom row: chip in position 2nd are turned over.)
 0   2   4 
 1   3  10

With back still turned the Magician must now recall the position of the yellow chips as they were in step #1, and ask the Spectator to turn them over.
(In this example the Magician asks for chips in positions 1st and 3rd in top row to be turned over and chips in positions 2nd and 3rd in bottom row to be turned over) resulting in:
 5   2   9 
 1   8   5 

In the last step the Spectator turns over any 3 chips and covers them with a playing card so the number cannot be seen.
(In this example the Spectator turns over and covers chips in positions 1st and 2nd in top row, and chip in position 1st in bottom row.)
 0   7   9 
 6   8   5 

At this point the Magician turns around and gives the sum of 3 the hidden chips.

In her/his head the Magician calculates:

Y = # yellow chips showing; in this case 2 (9 and 8)

S = sum of exposed chips; 22 in this case (9 + 8 + 5)

Uses this formula to calculate the sum of the 3 hidden chips:

(10*Y + 15) - S

In this example (10*2 + 15) - 22 = 13
which is the sum of the hidden chips (0 + 7 + 6)