❶ Think of a number between 1 and 63.

❷ Carefully examine each of the six yellow number cards below for your chosen number.

(Hint: Use one of the following shortcuts to find your number.)

On your desktop or laptop: Your keyboard buttons labeled Ctrl and F (or ⌘ Cmd and F on the Mac), when used together, will bring up a "search this page" search bar. Enter the number you wish to search for. Your number will appear highlighted. Click 'next arrow' > (by the search bar) to find the next occurrence of you number.)

On your Android phone or tablet: Tap Chrome's menu button (found in the upper right corner). Then select "Find in page". Now type your number. Tap Search. Your number will be highlighted. You can see where all occurrences of your number are located using the markers on the scrollbar.

On your iPhone or iPad: Tap on the Address bar, on the URL of the webpage you are on, then type your number, but do not press go, scroll down to the bottom of the search suggest drop-down list to "On this Page" and Tap on "Find [your number]." Use 'next arrow' > (by the search bar) to find the next occurrence of you number.

❸ Pile the cards with your chosen number directly on top of each other.

❹ When done, place the red "Magic Card" (at the bottom of the page) on top and add the numbers in the windows.
The total will give you your chosen number.

33   47   27   17   21   55   61   39

03          31   51   63   43          13

15   07   01   19   15   23   59   41

57          29   09          35          51

53   05   47   25   45   33   11   37

39   63   54   38   45   61   49   33

53          57   46   43   41          62

34   40          55   42   51   59   35

60   32   44   59          58          58

36   48   50   56   52   47   42   37

05   47   28   53   61   13   20   52

37          44   30   46   55   04   07

22   63          12   62   14   60   31

23          29   54          15          06

45   36   39   21   47   28   63   38

45   63   27   10   58   09   61   42

29   08   11   57   30   59          62

13   24          60   40   47   14   56

45          12   44          25          27

43   15   41   31   26   62   12   28

11   38   62   51   43   26   55   15

10          63   35   31   19          46

14   03          59   27   07   58   18

26          06   47   02   39          22

54   23   50   30   35   42   11   34

54   23   18   58   63   31   26   51

29          61   50   20   27          52

56   28          17   59   48   21   60

31          19   55          30   16   53

62   49   24   57   22   52   27   25